Thursday, July 20, 2006

What's Wrong With Mutual Orders of Protection?

One would have thought this issue had been long-resolved, but it seems to be coming up with increasing frequency of late. What's wrong with mutual orders of protection against domestic violence? What's wrong with the state's saying, parent-like, to a complaining seeker of a restraining order "Well, now I'm not going to figure out who started this, so how about the two of you just stop squabbling with each other." In short:

Mutual Orders Are Worse Than No Order and Endanger the Victims.
"Mutual orders of protection are protective orders issued against both of the parties to a dispute. Typically they occur within the same document, but they need not do so. Indeed, they could be issued by two different courts at different times, provided that they are both in effect simultaneously.Usually mutual orders are issued after only one of the parties has sought a protective order, particularly when they are issued within the same document. Regardless of how the mutual orders are granted, they have many problems..."

The complete article, originally published in the Domestic Violence Report, can be read at

Get it; read it. It lays out the talking points.


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